+38 066 300 2711  •   Mon-Sun 9:00am - 7:00pm

+38 066 300 2711  •   Mon-Sun 9:00am - 7:00pm

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A store where you can buy absolutely everything
for surfing and wakesurfing

We have more than 60 types of boards with different styles, shapes and sizes

Boards for all levels and skills

We have more than 60 types of boards with different styles, shapes and sizes

Find your board


+38 066 300 27 11

Mon-Sun 9am-7pm


Park Muromets, Kyiv, Ukraine

Logo 600xfolloww 480x480 300x300
Vans logo
Image 1 1ad22784 c26e 4aaf 98eb 352610e7cb35
Oneill 450x253 a95a6251 2e2a 431f 88df 797f0cb2a48a
Wet sounds 1
D27a1b7eac31368dd9d7acf69e9008d0 450x257
O four 300x300